August 25, 2007

New home

Ok so if you read my email this is the same, pictures of our place should be up sometime this week.

Hello All-

Ok so we have been so busy so we haven't really been in contact with many people. David and I have been working hard, saving money to buy our first home. We have been living at my parents for the last year and a half, they have been letting us live there rent free to help us get a leg up in this crazy California market.

On top of buying a house here is what else we have been doing. David works for a company called Webshots it is an online photo sharing website, he designed their new logo and helps design the layout of their webpage. He has been doing really well there getting complements from the top levels of the company that owns Webshots, named CNET. I have been working at a brand new school in San Ramon, California they were a year old when I started there and I had to start my program from the ground up buying everything from spatulas to sewing machines it has been stressful and exciting.

We just bought our new townhouse about 3 weeks ago and spent about a week getting the place livable enough and then we moved in. Our place is 3 bedrooms 1.5 baths 1330 sqft 2 stories with a little yard and a two car garage, it is just perfect for our first place. We have learned many things about the home buying process but the best one was patience. We bought a house that had been a rental for years which means it needed some more work then normal. We also bought a short sale which is a step right before foreclosure and is the complete opposite of the name. We put our offer in at the begining of May and closed in the last week of July nearly 3 months of waiting, but we were able to buy at a great price in a great area, the town I grew up in Pleasanton and so far it has been awesome. Well once you live there you kind of find some more things that need to be worked on and David and I have been having tons of fun picking out paint and tons of other things and working hard unpacking, destroying bathrooms and rebuilding them. We are starting a blog and I am sure that the next several enteries will be pictures of all the hard work that we have been doing. But we hope that you will stay updated on our lives and the fun things we are doing and we love looking all of your blogs and get emails from all of you.


Anna said...

Congratulations! Now you can have your own sewing room! I can't wait to see pictures. I am glad that things are going well for you and Dave. Good luck with all the fix ups. It sounds fun, even though it will be a lot of work. I am so excited you have a blog. Now we can keep in better touch and see what is going on CA. Enjoy the new house!

Hill Family said...

Hey David and Abby, Wendy and I are so happy for you guys. Congrats on your new home. We can't wait to see pictures! Have fun renovating...we miss you!

Kirk and Janelle Tingey said...

Hello Delphenichs!! It was great to hear an update about what's been happening with you! Glad to know that things are going well. Good luck with your new home - I know it can be extremely stressful. I'm so glad that you guys have a blog now. Let's keep in touch!

Hill Family said...

Hey, so where are those pictures you promised???!!!:)

Leah Armstrong said...

I love and miss you tons abs...congrats on the house!! take a look at our blog...

Hill Family said...

I like the new layout of your blog. :)