September 24, 2007

All The Hard Work.

So, "Pictures are worth a thousand words." I can't do justice to all the hard work that David and I have done, mostly David.

Here is the Kitchen before and after.

Here is the Living Room.

Here is me sitting on our cement subfloor until David finished laying the hard wood.

Here is the half bath.

Here is the upstairs bath.

We showered for about a week and a half with plastic hanging all around the shower as we were finishing the sheet rock, plumbing, and tiling. It was to protect the open beams from the water. Lets just say that one of our most exciting moments in all these projects was in the middle of a shower all the plastic fell off the wall, I still had shampoo in my hair, I spent the rest of my shower holding up the plastic and showering , it was insane.

and the bedrooms, Sorry they are messy we hadn't finished unpacking before we took pictures. David's parents also came to visit and they got to be the first people to use our guestroom. We were so excited to have them come and we got celebrate John's birthday with him.

This is our master bedroom it has 2 rooms in one we are going to make one a sitting room.

Here are some other random pics of our house.
This is our little yard the perfect size and our front door

We have a two car garage, all though we haven't tried to see if David's jeep fits yet.

We also have a balcony which I am so excited to use

And our Inspector said we should think about replacing our water heater and after seeing the bottom we are pretty sure that we made the right decision to replace it. David also did this with the help of a friend.

This is why we replaced the bath tub.

This is the progress David had made on the hardwood after only 2 evenings of work. He is Amazing!!!

This is me loving our new house and being on our own.

I hope that you have enjoyed this long awaited update.


Wendy said...

So, glad I checked your blog! I was beginning to doubt that there was a house out there, just stories... So,everything looks great! Have fun happy homeowners!
Love, Wendy :)

Kirk and Janelle Tingey said...

Great pictures! We are so jealous that you have such a beautiful home. Glad to hear you guys are doing so great.

Hill Family said...

You guys are awesome! That is so much hard work. I love the pics and your home looks amazing! Can't to come and visit. Love ya

Sara Love said...

Hi there! Good to hear from you both. Your house looks great! How exciting. We also look forward to checking your blog to see what you both are up to. :) We'll be in touch! Again, good to hear from you.

Ashley said...

HEY!!! I can't believe how much work y'all put into your house, how FUN!It looks SOO good!! I can't wait until I can own my own place someday, 20 years down the road!! Keep the posts coming!! I LOVE the pics!!

Anonymous said...

hooray for new homes!!! Thanks for posting on our blog! Now I know where to find you guys! I LOVE your house; it is so beautiful! You guys are amazing with all the work you have already done. One day soon we'll update our blog with pictures from our house now that we've moved in. PS~ we have the same toaster :)

Ryan and Melissa said...

Hello David and Abigail! This is Melissa Mikesell. Congrats on the new home! That's so exciting. I finally made Ryan and I a blog after really enjoying looking at eveyrone elses. Our site is Take a look if you get a chance! It's good to hear you're doing great!

Lora said...

Wow! Congrats! I want to see it in real life. Everyone is doing so many grown up things lately. Buying houses, having babies. Perhaps I am in denile that I am in fact continuing to get older. Hmmm.

Leah Armstrong said...

Look Awesome Ya'll have worked so hard. Maybe we can come visit....

Unknown said...

Well we love what you have done with your new home! It all looks fabulous and we are sure it took you lots of time and many choices to choose from. I just love that you got to PAINT your walls and do whatever you wanted cause it is your place!! Way to go! We will keep in touch. We are glad you are doing great.

BDelph said...

Congratulations on your upcoming adventure! I know our lives would have been a lot different without our son.

I am part of the Delphenichs, originally from La Crosse, Wisconsin. I'm putting together our family tree and would be interested in anything you might want to share on your end of the family; i.e. birthdays, siblings, parents, grandparents, etc. Although I lived in California for 12 years, I don't know much about all the West Coast Delphenichs. My tree is on, cleverly hidden under the name "Delphenich".

Thanks, hope to hear from you.

Bill Delphenich
Harrison, Maine